Meeting for Worship
Storrs, CT


Welcome to our Quaker Meeting based in Storrs, CT, directly on the beautiful campus of the University of Connecticut. Each Sunday morning we worship together, and through both expectant silence and shared ministry we are moved together to Spirit. There is no appointed minister and no prearranged program.

Each one who enters the meeting contributes her or his presence, and helps to determine the depth and quality of our worship. Gathering quietly in worship, we seek direct communion with our Creator. We try to listen through the noise of the world in an inward process of prayer and meditation, so that we may hear the ‘still, small voice’ and Spirit-led stirrings that bring us into unity with God.

Each meeting for worship is unique. Many meetings are totally silent while in others, spoken words, prayers, songs, and even laughter or tears arise from the silence. At times, we experience that a message forming in our own heart and thought gets voiced by another friend, and carried further than we could carry it. This seems strange and wonderful, but it is part of the great unseen life in which silent worship links us together and brings us comfort and inspiration.

Join us on Sunday

If you’re interested in Quakerism and live in the area – or even if you’re just passing through – why not drop in and say hello. We’d love to welcome you into our friendly and peaceful community. Don’t worry there are no hidden handshakes, official dress code, or social commitments that come with visiting. See you there soon?

Meeting House

57 Hunting Lodge Rd
Storrs, CT 06268

Zoom Video

To join sunday service on zoom, contact us at:[email protected]

General Inquiries

email[email protected]
phone(860) 487-1847
Meeting for worship starts at 10am every Sunday.